Jelastic Manage Solution

PaaS Jelastic Manage Solution

Pilar Cloud melayani Manage PaaS Jelastic untuk berbagai kebutuhan dan bisnis Anda.

Bringing the power of PaaS to your business

For many businesses, their first encounter with PaaS comes after the implementation of infrastructure as a service (IaaS). First, they put their servers, networks, storage and other IaaS features in place. Then, in comes PaaS. Based in the cloud, your PaaS environment provides a platform for quickly developing and deploying apps in-house.

Engaging skilled experts to manage your cloud platform can be invaluable. Whether your systems reside in a public, hybrid or private cloud model, we can offer ongoing management of your cloud infrastructure so that you don’t have to. Covering everything from IaaS and PaaS to Jelastic, we’ll work with you to achieve your objectives.

Jelastic PaaS Indonesia

Enable greater productivity with PaaS

Using the capabilities of the cloud through Microsoft Azure PaaS and the Power Platform, we connect businesses like yours with the tools they need to get things done independently, quickly and with as little legwork as possible.

Whatever the stage of your digital transformation, Platform as a Service (PaaS) can place the very best app development and deployment, collaboration and productivity opportunities at your fingertips.

Hanya Bayar Sesuai Konsumsi Resource VPS Anda

Jelastic Cloud bekerja secara otomatis dengan menaikkan atau menurunkan resources server, dengan menyesuaikan aktifitas server. Dengan begitu Anda akan menghemat dari sisi biaya dan resources yang dikeluarkan.

VPS Masuk dalam Mode Nonaktif Ketika Tidak Ada Aktifitas

Server akan otomatis masuk mode hibernasi saat tidak ada penggunaan resource sama sekali selama 3 hari berturut-turut, saldo anda akan benar-benar menjadi hemat karena anda hanya akan dibebani biaya storage saja. Hal ini tentu akan memudahkan Anda yang mungkin tidak akan setiap waktu memonitoring server.

Resource VPS Otomatis Bertambah atau Berkurang Saat Dibutuhkan

Scaling infrastruktur, bisa dilakukan secara otomatis, Seperti “Turunkan penggunaan RAM ke 4GB saat penggunaan rata-rata hanya 30%”. Atau kondisi saat 1 server dirasa kurang, maka secara otomatis akan menambah server baru dan jika tugas di server sudah rendah, salah satu server akan dihapus.

Benefits of using Pilar Cloud Solution

The complete fully-managed Jelastic PaaS

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